It was one of those days you could feel God was up to something great. I was on my way to speak at Leadership Conference in Ecuador with a friend and an interpreter. As soon as we sat down in our cab, I noticed a cross hanging from the rearview mirror.
Our driver’s name was Fernando. Through the translator, I asked him, “I see the cross you have on the mirror, are you a Jesus follower?” Fernando’s answer was, “I am Catholic.” This was a perfect connection as I grew up Catholic and could relate to him in this area. After we had talked for a few minutes, I said, “Fernando, if you died today, do you believe you would go to heaven?” His answer was so sad and hopeless as he said, “My sin is too great, and God would not let me enter heaven.” Wow, the burden Fernando must have felt as he said those words!
Next, I was able to share the incredible gift of the Gospel, of Jesus’ sacrifice and the grace given to us. When I asked Fernando if he would like to receive this free gift of salvation, he was sincere and overcome with emotion. He pulled the cab to the side of the road. As he prayed to trust Christ, the vehicle was filled with joy and peace.
We left a changed man that day. Fernando, the cab driver was now our brother in Christ. What a good day to catch a cab!
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